Thursday, 25 June 2015

Breakfast: What I Ate

Being someone with little time to spend over the stove cooking up eggs every morning, I like to enjoy healthy fast breakfast alternatives which I don't have to think too hard about. Quick and easy... I like it! 

This morning I had overnight oats for breakfast.  As the name suggests, they are prepared the night before and it literally takes less than 5 minutes of my time.  What I also love is you can make at least three days worth of overnight oats in one go.  Space in your fridge and some decent Tupperware is all you need.

I make it using the following ingredients:

Porridge Oats - 1/3 cup
Almond Unsweetened Milk -1/3 cup 
Yogurt (I use low fat) - 1 cup
Cinnamon and Nutmeg (to season)
Raisins - I add a small handful 

Throw everything in to a bowl or container of your choice, mix up then place it into the fridge overnight.  In the morning, bring it out and give it a stir - eat!!  Easy peasy. 

You can really can adapt this recipe to how you want it.  Don't like raisins?  Use fresh fruit instead, just add it in the morning when you're ready to eat it. Like it sweeter just add honey or maple syrup - just remember this is meant to be healthy!  Remember your portion sizes.

It might not look to amazing (cold gloppy porridge some say) however it is yummy.  



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Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Why Start Next Week??

When it comes to starting a healthy life style or diet as many people refer to it - many say "I'll have start next week" or "I'll begin it on Monday".  I'm here to tell you to start today and get fit. 

I myself will admit that I pretty much have once a upon a time said those words.  But it must stop.  Be through half of your day and say to yourself "No more junk, it's time to change". You don't have to wait till next week or Monday, Tuesday whenever it is - you can change this instance.  Yes change is hard, and it's the must difficult step sometimes on the road to change but you won't change unless you take the leap. 

Let's start this journey together TODAY


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Monday, 15 June 2015

So it beginnings!!

Well hello,  so we're doing this??

The blog for my fitness journey starts here.  This is the place where I will document my journey to better fitness and a healthy life.

There will be NO mention of skinny or diet on here as this place is not the location for both of those things.

Healthy and happy are two words I want to spread.

What you will find here are food and meal ideas, tips and tricks, fitness and exercise plus my thoughts and weigh ins with you.

Stand by let's get going..... Why wait..  Start today, get fit!!!

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© Start Today, Get Fit!. All rights reserved.